Measures taken on bond market

As is stated in the 25 March press release from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the capital account liberalisation process aims to minimise the negative impact on the bond market. In view of this, Government Debt Management (GDM) has made an agreement with the primary dealers that GDM will keep a close watch on bond market developments and will support the market with the purchase and/or sale of Treasury bonds on Monday 28 March, if deemed necessary. In addition, GDM and primary dealers have made an agreement where parties that purchase foreign currency in upcoming Central Bank of Iceland auctions can sell the Treasury their Treasury bills and bonds maturing before year-end 2013 so as to finance the purchases.
The purpose of this is to counteract the volatility and uncertainty that may develop in the market.

Further information can be obtained from Ingvar H. Ragnarsson at the Ministry of Finance, at tel +354 545 9200, and from Björgvin Sighvatsson at Government Debt Management, at tel +354 569 9633.

Aðrar fréttir

Jun 28 2024
Annual prospects
Quarterly Government Debt Management Prospect


  • Treasury bond issuance in 2024 will be increased by 30 b.kr. market value relative to the previous estimate.
  • In Q3, Treasury bonds will be offered for sale in the amount of 25-35 b.kr. market value.
  • The bonds that could conceivably be offered are all Treasury series, and issue size and market conditions will determine how much, if any, will be sold in each series.

GDM Q3 Prospect 2024.pdf

Jun 12 2024
Treasury Bills
Treasury Bill Auction Announcement - RIKV 24 0821 - RIKV 24 1218
Series RIKV 24 0821 RIKV 24 1218
ISIN IS0000036069 IS0000036499
Maturity Date 08/21/2024 12/18/2024
Auction Date 06/14/2024 06/14/2024
Settlement Date 06/19/2024 06/19/2024

On the Auction Date, between 10:30 am and 11:00 am, the Government Debt Management will auction Treasury bills in the Series, with the ISIN numbers and with the Maturity Dates according to the table above. Payments for the Treasury bills must be received by the Central Bank before 14:00 on the Settlement Date and the Bills will be delivered in electronic form on the same day.

Further reference is made to the General Terms of Icelandic Treasury bills and General Terms of Auction for Treasury bills on the Government Debt Management website.

For additional information please contact Oddgeir Gunnarsson, Government Debt Management, at +354 569 9635.

Jun 05 2024
Treasury Bonds
Treasury bond auctions cancelled

The Government Debt Management has decided to cancel the last two Treasury bond auctions that were scheduled in Q2/2024 since the target amount for the quarter has already been reached.